Dunkerque, FRAC/AP2, Nord-Pas de Calais Commission.
Commissioned by the French Regional Foundation for Contemporary Art, (FRAC), AP2, Nord Pas de Calais, this work comprised five carbon piezo prints on Japanese silk paper. An apparently unimportant phenomenon—a couple walking with two dogs—is followed from a distance and from several different perspectives. Have these images been recorded by security cameras, and if so, why? We have the feeling that we are looking at a maquette, a model, or a visual reconstruction of a story that can never be clearly deciphered. The imposing industrial building changes, almost becoming a house of cards, reduced to its ultimate, basic form of four walls and a roof. The work is an ode to the industrial exhibition hall, referred to as the Cathedral. It is currently in storage and will be on view on completion of the restoration of the exhibition site.